New products in our assortment от 16-03-2020 - АкваМаркет
Шановні Клієнти у зв'зку з посиленням бойових дій у Харкові і Харківській області, наша компанія вимушена призупини доставку.
Як тільки, бойові дії вщухнуть і ми зможемо безпечно доставляти для Вас товари, доставка буде відновлена.
Бережіть себе! Разом до перемоги!

New products in our assortment

A quarantine has been introduced at the state level in Ukraine in connection with the global coronavirus pandemic. We remind you that such preventative measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the virus as a whole. Quarantine is not an extra vacation or a time for mass gatherings. First of all, it is the responsibility and conscious position of every citizen to protect themselves and their loved ones, as well as respect those around them. Therefore, we urge you not to visit the venues once again, to give up traveling and meeting for some time without urgent need.
Main quarantine prevention measures:
1. Adherence to the daily regime and full sleep (7-8 hours);
2. Balanced nutrition;
3. Maintaining physical fitness without attending gyms (exercise, jogging);
4. Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of premises;
5. Don't spread panic and trust only verified information.
And for our children, quarantine should be a time for self-education and creativity. Outdoor walks are necessary and useful, but do not go to the playground when there are many children. We offer you an alternative - board and educational games for children from 2 years. Make your child an interesting and rewarding game that will not only be a great replacement for mobile phones and tablets, but also a live chat topic.
AquaMarket is working daily to expand its product range so you can spend more time with your loved ones and visit less supermarkets. We remind you that our call center and delivery service are open 24/7.
Take care of yourself and be healthy!