Congratulations on the Trinity Day - АкваМаркет
Шановні Клієнти у зв'зку з посиленням бойових дій у Харкові і Харківській області, наша компанія вимушена призупини доставку.
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Бережіть себе! Разом до перемоги!

Congratulations on the Trinity Day

The Holy Trinity is one of the 12 largest Christian holidays. It glorifies the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Hence the name of the holiday. This day is also popularly called the Green Holidays or Pentecost. After all, the Trinity falls on the 50th day after Easter. In honor of this holiday, we decorate the house with herbs and flowers, attend church services, greet relatives and friends.

AquaMarket also joins in the congratulations on the bright Trinity Day. May your home be filled with prosperity, family comfort and happiness. Let us forget the old images and let love and goodness into our hearts. Let's warm our world with warmth, mutual respect and smiles. With the coming Trinity!

 And we remind you that our call center, as always, is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Order the necessary goods at any time convenient for you!